Get Ready Devo


Read: Matthew 6:9-13

What do you need God to do in your life today? 

The next line Jesus prays is, “Give us today our daily bread” (Matthew 6:11). 

Praying for daily bread means asking God for everything we need to get us through the day. First off, notice that Jesus prays for His daily bread. How often do we need to pray for daily bread? That’s not a trick question. The answer is every day. Some of us would love to be able to pray for our weekly bread or monthly bread and cover our bases, but that’s not how prayer works. Prayer is an invitation to talk to God daily.  

God knows what we need before we ask, but did you know He loves it when we talk to Him about the things we need? If you are a parent, you understand this principle. You often know what your kids need and how to meet that need, but there is something special that happens when they come to you themselves asking for help. Your relationship grows because you realize they trust you.

What is the daily bread you need from God today? 

Do you need a door to open up at work? 

Do you need a promotion? 

Do you need patience for someone in your life? 

Do you need a relationship mended? 

There is nothing too big or too small to ask God for today, so ask!

Prayer: Father, thank you for being a good God who promises to provide. You know what I need, but you love when I ask, so today, I pray that you would give me favor at work. Would you continue to open the right doors for me to walk through? Lord, I ask for some good quality time to spend with my family or friends. And I pray that you would keep me and everyone in my family healthy, in Jesus’ name, amen.