Get Ready Devo


Read: 2nd Timothy 4:1-6

Why do you think the Bible talks so much about generosity?  

In Bible times, it was customary to take an expensive beverage and pour a little bit out as an offering to God. In the passage you just read, the Apostle Paul uses that picture to describe his life. 

These are the final words the Apostle Paul shares with his apprentice (Timothy) before he dies. You can hear the urgency of his tone as he says, “For I am already being poured out like a drink offering, and the time for my departure is near” (2 Timothy 4:6). Life is short, so spend yours generously!

Is your life a vault that stores or a vessel that stewards?

Becoming a vessel means to live full and die empty. That's why a generous life is a life well lived. There's greatness inside of you. Talents, time, and treasure have been entrusted to you. Every time you give, whether it's money, encouragement, time, or service, a little bit is poured out. The world needs what God has placed in you. The world needs you to give your life to a greater purpose.

If God can get it through you, then God can get it to you.

Can God get money through you? Are you a vault or a vessel? The blessing of God is like a river. It flows until it’s blocked. Generosity is the unblocking of God’s blessing. If you want your life to count, then make your life a vessel.

Heaven is for you; now let it flow through you.

Take some time to imagine yourself as the most generous version of yourself. Think about the encouragement you could give, the time you could offer, the good news you could share, the checks you could write, and the eternal difference you could make.

Prayer: Father, thank you for blessing me. Today, I want to write a story of generosity. Show me ways to pour out my life to bless others today. In Jesus’ name, amen.